Stage 1 – Shredding & Reduction of Tires

Byproducts: Clean cut shreds or chips.

TDF – Tire Derived Fuel
Used as an alternative to fossil fuels. Used primarily in cement kilns, steel mills power plants and pulp and paper mills. Size range: 1″ to 4″ [25 mm to 100 mm]. Benefits: Burns hotter and cleaner than coal or petcoke.
CM Equipment Used for Stage 1
• CM Primary Shredder – Used to make larger cuts or single pass • CM Chipping Shredder – Used for TDF to make smaller cuts • CM Chip Shredder – Used for TDF to make smaller cuts • CM Disc Screen • Assorted conveyors
TDA – Tire Derived Aggregate
Used as a light weight fill material for civil engineering projects such as: back fill, slope stabilization, embankments, drainage and sound abatement. Size range: 100mm to 400mm [4″ – 16″]. Benefits: Very durable, excellent drainage, reduces vibrations, insulates and lasts a long time.
STAGE 1 (Shredder + Disc Screen = TDF or TDA)

Stage 2 – Steel Liberation & Removal

By Products: Wire free crumb rubber – 44 mm to 16 mm [1.75” to .625”] Clean steel up to 98 % free of contaminants

Rubber Mulch
Used for landscaping Benefits: Deters insects, drains well, water gets to the plants, long lasting, does not fade, blow away or disintegrate, reduces weed growth and reduces soil erosion.
Playground and Equestrian Footing
Used as a loose cover for playgrounds or horse arenas. Benefits: Softer cushion for falls, long lasting, does not blow away, deters insects, comes in many colors!
Wire Free TDF
Used for waste to energy, pyrolysis or gasification applications Benefits: Results in high grade carbon char and makes excellent feedstock for syngas and bio-diesel fuels.
CM Equipment Used for Stage 2
Used for waste to energy, pyrolysis or gasification applications • CM2R Liberator – for smaller operations • CM4R Liberator – for larger operations • Belt Magnet • Steel Reclaim System with drum magnet (recommended for best quality clean steel) • Assorted conveyors • Air/dust collection system (optional)
STAGE 2 (Stage 1 Equipment + CM Liberator + CM Steel Reclaim System (recommended) = Rubber Mulch, Loose Playground/Equestrian Footing, Wire Free TDF and Clean Steel Ready for Resale)
Stage 3 – Granulation & Fiber Removal

Products: Crumb Rubber

Artificial Turf
Rubber crumb placed between the blades of synthetic grass. Used in soccer, baseball and football fields globally. Benefits: Softer for falls, lasts a long time, less maintenance than a grass field, drains quickly for a drier, cleaner playing surface.
Pour in Place Surfaces
Used for running tracks, rubber tiles, pour in place surfaces, landscaping, and mats. Benefits: Excellent drainage, lasts a long time, can be colored, less maintenance, very durable, absorbs impacts from trips and falls.
Rubber Molded Products
Used for running tracks, rubber tiles, pour in place surfaces, landscaping, and rubber mats. Benefits: Excellent drainage, lasts a long time, can be colored, less maintenance, very durable, absorbs impacts from trips and falls.
CM Equipment Used for Stage 3
Used for waste to energy, pyrolysis or gasification applications • CM Granulator • Air gravity table with de-stoner • Multi deck screen for sizing material • Drum magnet • Assorted conveyors
STAGE 3 (Stage 1 Equipment + Stage 2 Equipment + CM Granulator, Air gravity table/destoner, multi-deck screen and drum magnet = 4 mm crumb rubber for artificial turf, pour in place surfaces and rubber molded products)
Stage 4 – Milling & Screening

Products: Fine rubber powder

Rubberized Asphalt
A unique blending of powdered tire rubber, aggregate and special binders make for exceptional roadway and other paving projects. Benefits: Exceptional drainage, resistant to freezing temperatures, quieter than traditional paving, less cracking over time, uses less thickness than traditional asphalt, safer for the driver.
Injection Molded Products
The rubber powder is mixed with a binding agent to mold into a wide variety of new products such as auto parts, shoe soles, exercise mats, and is also used in building construction for the reduction of vibration or sound absorption on both floors and flat roof projects. Benefits: Durable, lasts a long time, binds with a wide range of different polymers, used in many industries.
CM Equipment Used for Stage 4
• CM Dual Drive Crackermill • Final sizing screen • Bagging station(s) • Assorted conveyors