CM Shredders & Waste Eco Treatment Team Up to Turn Waste into Energy in Mexico | CM Industrial Shredder

CM Shredders & Waste Eco Treatment Team Up to Turn Waste into Energy in Mexico

Sarasota, Florida, USA – October 18, 2019

кайра иштетүү өнөр жайынын ичинде көптөр өндүрүштүк стандарттардын жана экологиялык регламенттерге келгенде, Мексика Wild West билдирет, жалпы ката бар. Калдыктарды Eco дарылоо (Украина), алар жөн гана кам көрүп, алардын өлкөнүн, элдин, же суу узак турган миссиясынын чындыкты чагылдырууга тийиш эмес деп Хосуа, Мексика штатында жайгашкан компания бул элестерди, сындырып милдеттенме болуп саналат жооптуу чогултуу аркылуу айлана-чөйрөнүн, сактоо, ташуу, сатуу жана коркунучтуу калдыктарды кайра иштетүү.

Earlier this year, CM Shredders, a leading manufacturer of some of the world’s most advanced industrial shredders and recycling systems, introduced a new line of single shaft shredders that have the ability to provide a consistent and exact finished particle size for a wide range of applications. The new CM SOLO series single shaft shredders line is their first product developed in conjunction with CM’s new sister company, Schutte Hammermill; a New York-based manufacturer that has developed an extensive line of size reduction equipment that includes hammer mills, lump breakers, crushers, and shredders.

The announcement was received with great fanfare throughout the size reduction & recycling industry at both the ISRI convention in Los Angeles and the Waste Expo in Las Vegas. This palpable industry excitement caught the eye of Santiago Ortega, an executive at WET, who had been on a mission for over a year to find the right equipment and partner for their company’s ambitious expansion plans. Mr. Ortega has toured across the globe attending recycling conventions, expositions and visiting recycling equipment manufacturers. “We researched, viewed, and climbed all over recycling equipment from Europe to China, and admittedly, we probably had way too many boxes to check on our mission to find the perfect machine and manufacturing partner who we could count on for the long run” said Mr, Ortega. “What really caught our attention was the news that two of the best-in-class premium shredding & size reduction equipment manufacturers in the world had combined equipment and expertise to develop turn-key solutions to process nearly every market we are servicing with a single machine.”

“WET approached us with a substantial list of applications and very specific sizes for each material they wanted to process all within one machine” said Mario Vazquez, Sales and Marketing Director at CM Shredders. “One day WET could be processing textiles and the next they could be running scrap wood or pallets, plastics, paper, carpet, or a plethora of other materials for recycling and biofuel feedstock. We accepted and welcomed that challenge” said Vazquez. An invitation was scheduled for the WET team to visit and run tests on dozens of materials at CM’s Research & Development facility in North America.

Located at CM’s headquarters in Sarasota, Florida, the new 4,000 sf facility features both dual shaft and single shaft shredding systems from the company’s versatile product line. It was quickly evident to WET that the CM SOLO Series shredder was the machine and that CM Shredders was the partner they had been searching for. “Regardless of the products or materials we threw at them, CM had the technology, equipment, innovation, and expertise to deliver reliable, high-performance solutions to any of our recycling applications” said Ortega. “We purchased and commissioned our first CM SOLO shredder that same day.” Vazquez added, “We will be able to not only develop processes but also help out WET with a proactive approach when facing the challenges of today’s production environments, whether through test shredding, applications, developing turn-key systems, training support, or R&D work. We will work closely and proactively with key suppliers and other industry experts to find solutions that help them improve and optimize their current operations.”

The CM SOLO shredders line features CM’s world-renowned shredding technology, replaceable sizing screens, and a “Smart-Ram” system that automatically adjusts ram pressure for maximum efficiency. Ruggedly built and engineered for performance, durability, and the lowest cost of operation in the industry. The CM SOLO Series is designed for less power usage, minimal dust, and reduced manpower requirements. Available in 5 models with the choice of 12”, 15”, or 20” rotor diameter, and power-train options from 30 Hp up to 125 Hp and feature four-way reversible tool steel cutting teeth to handle anything from small applications to large-scale size reduction operations.

CM News SOLO майдалагычтар ири көлөмдөгү каражаттарды бошотушту

CM SOLO Сериялар Single Shaft дробилкалар сапары жөнүндө көбүрөөк маалымат алуу үчүн:

CM дробилкалар жөнүндө:
For more than 35 years, CM Shredder has been the recognized leader of recycling equipment solutions. CM Tire Shredders’ systems process more than half a billion tires each year, worldwide. CM Industrial Shredders leverage their cutting-edge, patented technology to consistently create the most durable and effective shredders with a focus on offering customers the lowest total cost of ownership.

Жөнүндө Schutte Hammermill:
Schutte Hammermill products are known worldwide for their rugged construction, economical price, day-in-day-out dependability and a line of the highest quality, on-demand factory replacement wear parts. Founded in 1928, Schutte Hammermill products are proudly manufactured in Buffalo, New York (USA).

Байланыш маалыматы:

Марио Васкес - Сатуу жана маркетинг боюнча директор
+ 1 941-357-5978 (Негизги) / + 1 800-848-1071 (Toll Free) |

Бардык CM Tire Shredders & CM Industrial Shredders шаймандары сыймыктануу менен биздин Сарасота, Флоридадагы АКШда жасалган.


CM Тир дробилкалар / CM жай дробилкалар

А Бенгал Machine бренд

Юридикалык Штаб: + 1 941.755.2621

Кардарларды тейлөө: + 1 941.753.2815

Cambridge ON, Канада, 4-март, 2024-жыл | Shred-Tech Corp., өнөр жай майдалоо жана кайра иштетүү чечимдеринин алдыңкы өндүрүүчүсү, биздин башкы компания The Heico Companies тарабынан CM Shredders, LLC сатып алынганын сыймыктануу менен жарыялайт. Бул стратегиялык кадам Shred-Tech компаниясынын өнүмдөр портфелин жогорулатууда, анын глобалдык чөйрөсүн кеңейтүүдө жана Түндүк Америкадагы өндүрүш мүмкүнчүлүктөрүн чыңдоодо олуттуу кадам болуп саналат. редакциялоо

Негизги сатып алуу: Shred-Tech Corp. CM Shredders, LLC компаниясын ата-эне The Heico Companies сатып алуу менен мүмкүнчүлүктөрүн жана глобалдык катышуусун кеңейтет