CM Shredders and Schutte Hammermill Usher in ISRI 2019 | CM Industrial Shredder


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CM Shredders and Schutte Hammermill usher in ISRI 2019 together with a full line of turnkey size-reduction equipment for nearly every market in the Industry.

Sarasota, Florida and Buffalo, N.Y., April 4, 2019 – CM Shredders, a leading manufacturer of the worlds most advanced industrial shredders and recycling systems was acquired and joined the Bengal Machine family of size reduction companies earlier this year.

CM’s new sister company, Schutte Hammermill, is a New York-based manufacturer that has developed an extensive line of size reduction equipment that includes hammer mills, lump breakers, crushers and shredders that provide a consistent and exact finished particle size.

This acquisition brings together two of the best-in-class premium shredding & size reduction equipment manufacturers in the world whose combined equipment and expertise has the ability to provide a full line of turn-key solutions for nearly every market in the industry.

“Regardless of the products or materials our customers are working with we have the technology, equipment, innovation and expertise to deliver reliable, high performance based solutions to any recycling application” said Christopher Berardi, president of Schutte Hammermill.

To back up this unwavering commitment to innovation CM Shredders recently developed and opened up a new test lab and R&D demo facility in North America. Located at its headquarters in Sarasota, Florida, the new 4000 ft R&D and demo facility will feature both dual shaft and single shaft shredding systems from the company’s versatile product range.

“The new test lab and R&D facility is an exciting new milestone in our long company history of fueling technology and innovation and the latest step in the process of expanding our business activities beyond our traditional orbital operations,” said Charles Astafan, General Manager at CM Shredders. “We will be able to not only develop and provide new products and processes but also help our customers with a proactive approach when facing the challenges of today’s production environments, whether through test shredding, applications, developing turn-key systems, training support or R&D work. We will work closely and proactively with key suppliers and other industry experts to find solutions that help our customers to improve and optimize their current operations,” said Astafan

Oba CM Shreddera i Schutte Hammermill su uzbuđeni da udruže snage pod bengalskom mašinom i prvi put će prisustvovati konvenciji i izložbi 2019 ISRI (Institut za reciklažu otpadaka) koja se održava u aprilu 8-11 u kongresnom centru u u Los Angelesu na štandu #1902.

CM Tradeshow Website

O CM Shredder-u:
Više od 35 godina, CM Shredder je bio priznati lider u rješenjima za recikliranje opreme. Sistemi CM Shredders svake godine širom sveta obrađuju više od pola milijarde guma širom sveta, a CM Industrial Shredders koriste ovu najmoderniju, patentiranu tehnologiju za kreiranje najtrajnijih i efikasnijih rezača sa stalnim fokusom na pružanje najnižim ukupnim troškovima vlasništva.

O Schutte Hammermill: \ t
Schutte Hammermill proizvodi širom svijeta su poznati po svojoj robusnoj konstrukciji, ekonomičnoj cijeni, pouzdanosti u svakodnevnom radu i liniji najkvalitetnijih, na zahtjev zamjenskih dijelova za zamjenu. Osnovani u 1928-u, Schutte Hammermill proizvodi se proizvode u SAD-u, ponosno proizvedeni u Buffalu, New York (SAD).

Kontakt medija:
Mario Vazquez - direktor prodaje i marketinga


Sva CM Shredders & CM Industrial Shredders oprema ponosno je izrađena u SAD-u u našoj tvornici Sarasota, Florida


CM Shredders / CM Industrijske rezačice

Marka bengalske mašine

Sedište kompanije: + 1 941.755.2621

Služba za korisnike: + 1 941.753.2815

Cambridge ON, Kanada, 4. marta 2024. | Shred-Tech Corp., vodeći proizvođač rješenja za industrijsko usitnjavanje i recikliranje, s ponosom objavljuje akviziciju CM Shredders, LLC od strane naše matične kompanije The Heico Companies. Ovaj strateški potez je značajan korak naprijed u poboljšanju portfelja proizvoda Shred-Tech-a, širenju njegovog globalnog dosega i jačanju njegovih proizvodnih kapaciteta u Sjevernoj Americi. Uredi

Velika akvizicija: Shred-Tech Corp. proširuje mogućnosti i globalno prisustvo akvizicijom CM Shredders, LLC od strane matične kompanije Heico Companies